最新潮流Unlocking the Secret of Taiwan’s Sovereignty省錢買東西
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最新潮流Unlocking the Secret of Taiwan’s Sovereignty省錢買東西曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: Over the centuries, theories of sovereignty have evolved and changed. The concept of self-determi博客來書店nation has becomes the model universally embraced by the international community. The pith of the theory is that 'the people decide the fate of the land,' as opposed to 'the land decides the people's fate.'
With the emergence of modern democracies, the concept of popular sovereignty has become the strongest foundation which Taiwan’s status as a sovereign nation rest upon. Both the Cairo Declaration and the Postdam Proclamation were mere statements made during wartime by some of the Allied Powers. Can these documents be taken for granted to determine the fate of Taiwan’s people today, more than half a century after their announcement?
The issue of Taiwan's sovereign status not only affects the safety and well-being of Taiwan's 23 million people, but it also has significant implications for peace and stability in the Asia-博客來Pacific region.
This book will unveil the mystery of Taiwan's sovereignty status and will discuss the various schools of thoug博客來網路書店hts on this issue in-depth from international law, international politics, and hi博客來網路書局storical perspectives.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Chia-lung Lin..
- 出版社:台灣智庫 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2008/12/08
- 語言:英文
最新潮流Unlocking the Secret of Taiwan’s Sovereignty省錢買東西
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原民路跑 張泰山、馬志翔代言
【台灣醒報實習記者宋卉凌台北報導】De Ma Lan奔跑吧!原住民主題路跑將在10月3日開跑,《KANO》導演馬志翔與職棒好手張泰山17日出面代言,馬志翔表示,「就像我所執導的電影一樣,路跑也是一種發揚原住民文化的方式。」
原視邁入10週年,為了紀念10年里程碑,17日舉辦「TITV RUN跑向原視界」記者會,為即將在10月3日的原住民主題路跑活動宣傳。原住民族文化事業基金會董事長周惠民表示,「原住民過去以跑步來傳遞消息,因此路跑活動也是一種文化的傳遞與體驗。活動分為10公里與6公里2組,讓參與者選擇。」